Does my school have to submit a Certificate of Insurance (COI) in order to compete in a meet at Bittersweet Field?
Your school’s Business Office must submit a COI to the St. Andrew’s Episcopal School Business Office in order to compete at Bittersweet Field.
Coaches do not need to take action, as your school’s Business Office will be notified directly.
This is an absolute requirement. If you have not submitted a COI at least 24 hours prior to your meet, you will not be permitted to be on the property.
Does my school have to submit a COI each season if we submitted one last year?
Your school must submit a new COI every year. This is to ensure that your liability coverage is up to date.
Does my school have to submit a COI for every meet our team participates in?
You only have to do this once per season! Once you have submitted a COI for the site, you are set for the remainder of the fall season.
If we have submitted a COI for our team, can we run on the property at any time?
You must receive permission from the Cross Country Site Manager (Ryan Marklewitz, rmarklewitz@saes.org) before bringing your team to Bittersweet Field to run on the course outside of a meet your team is scheduled to race in.
If your team is found on the course during an unauthorized time, your team may be subject to removal from future meets, including championship meets.
There will be several days prior to the MS Conference Championships and MD State Championships where teams with submitted COIs may visit the course. These days will be communicated in advance to participating teams.
Can spectators go out onto the course to spectate?
This is a very spectator-friendly course, and spectators are welcome to move around within the property to watch their runners.
That being said, please advise your families not to climb over any fences, sit or stand on any horse jumps, walk through the water jump, or move into off-limits areas of the property.
Where do spectators park / Is there a parking fee?
Spectator parking procedures will change depending on the size of the meet.
For quad meets, spectators will park along the rail near the finish line to the left of the Observation Tower. For large invitationals and championship meets, spectators will park further down the access road near the final turn.
Parking is free for spectators during middle school quad meets. There will be parking fee for large invitationals and championship meets.
How many spectators can park on site?
There is plenty of parking on site! During invitationals and championship meets, there is enough room for 500 spectator vehicles in the main parking area, with an overflow area that can fit another 200 spectator vehicles.
Where do buses park?
Bus parking procedures will change depending on the size of the meet.
For quad meets, buses will park along the rail near the team areas to the right of the Observation Tower. For large invitationals and championship meets, buses will park further down the access road closer to Gate 1.
There is never a parking fee for team buses.
Are there restrooms on site?
There will always be several portable restrooms on site for each meet. The quantity of these restrooms will change depending on the size of the meet. There restrooms are prioritized for runners and will be positioned closer to the team areas.
Is there water on site?
There are no water fountains on site, however water will be available to runners at a water station located behind the finish line.
Can I bring pets to Bittersweet Field?
Pets are not permitted on the property at any time or for any reason, with the exception of service animals.
Portions of the property are an active farm, with sheep and other animals roaming in sections of the property. We also take safety very seriously, and pets are a liability (even if they are well-behaved!).